Fanny Zhou

2019 Contestant #5


“If you were a fruit…”

“I’d say you’ll be a fineapple.”

Do you know what else is fine?

All the beautiful ladies in the Miss Chinese Chicago Pageant ;)

Anyways, I hope my bad humor didn’t scare you away yet. My name is Fanny, nickname Flan. I recently graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign double majoring in Supply Chain Management and Information Technology. In October, I will be starting full time in Ernst and Young in their Technology Advisory Program...but before then, I’m super excited to create new memories and experiences with the Miss Chinese Chicago Pageant! I’m a girl that loves spontaneous adventures, pursuing the unknown, and bad puns. It’s flantastic.

Regardless, I’m grateful for Miss Chinese Chicago for giving me the opportunity to advocate and fight for an issue that I am passionate about. Through my professional experiences, I have noticed an underrepresentation of Asian American Women in leadership positions, especially in the tech industry. I hope to use the Miss Chinese Chicago pageant to encourage this discussion and find avenues where young girls are inspired to pursue impactful roles that eliminate the division of categorizing “Asian American Women in Tech” to “Successful People in Tech.”